Wednesday, February 20, 2008


My favorite part of the year is upon us, Spring time. Trees start coming back to life, the sun starts 'hanging around' longer, bears come out from hibernating, and I get the most ridiculous itch to play some golf.
Golf is one of my passions. I love every aspect of the sport: the skill, the focus, the quietness, the challenge, the competition, the excitement, the disappointment. I have learned a lot about life and myself while playing this game. I have found that I am very determined - I strive very hard for perfection at things I love. I have also found that, when applied, my imagination is very powerful and creative.
My favorite part of the game is the singularity of the sport. There is only one person on the team, there is only one person that can be credited for an achievement, and there is only one person who can be blamed for a mistake. I can't blame anyone or anything else for an error but myself. This is huge motivation factor to improve and limit these errors.
This passion is sometimes not such a great thing. As the weather becomes more ideal for play, so does the idea for 'skipping' class to go play. It is very hard for me to pass up a beautiful spring afternoon playing golf for an indoor, boring lecture class. Luckily, my dad shares my passion for golf so he is very lenient when I can resist the temptation.
I apologize for the breifness of this post, but I have a tee time to make. Toddles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post! I enjoyed it. I don't play golf, but my hubby and daughter do. They love it in much the same way that you describe.